
Your Complete Guide to Managed Print Services in 2024


It’s vital to any modern business operation, including legal papers and contracts, healthcare records, educational materials, and government documents.

However, when left to traditional methods, printing can generate a lot of waste—financial, operational, and environmental—and expose companies to security threats and compliance breaches. In fact, 70% of office waste comes from paper.

Imagine the time and money your business could save if your printing software were always up to date, the mechanics - like ink, toner, and other refills - were proactively monitored, and sensitive documents were under strict lock and key—not resting on the printer tray for all to see (or no one to pick up).

Managed print services (MPS) can do that and more.

This guide explores the intricacies of Managed Print Services, including its benefits, implementation best practices, and critical considerations for selecting the right MPS provider.

What Are Managed Print Services?

Print management, also known as Managed Print or Managed Print Services (MPS), is a comprehensive suite of solutions designed to optimize and streamline an organization's printing environment. This approach considers the following:

  • Print devices, like printers, copiers, scanners, and fax machines
  • Print accessories, like ink cartridges and toner replacements
  • Print infrastructure, including cloud-based software for your team to manage the devices
  • Print processes, like workflow optimization, printing diagnostics, and analytics
  • Print maintenance, such as ongoing monitoring, management, and support services to ensure maximum efficiency and reliability

How Does MPS Work?

Typically, organizations enlist the support of an MPS provider to customize a solution for their organization’s industry, size, and scale, existing and future printing needs, and compliance requirements.

An MPS provider would then thoroughly assess your existing print fleet, identify inefficiencies, and implement tailored strategies to improve workflow automation, reduce costs, and enhance document security.

By consolidating print resources, implementing print policies, and providing centralized management and support, MPS enables businesses to achieve greater control, visibility, and cost savings across their printing landscape.

The Top Benefits of Managed Print Services

Managed print services offer a range of benefits, appealing to businesses of varying sizes and industries. Let’s review the most powerful ones.

Save (A Lot) Of Money

Given the many variables in business size and spending, there is no universal figure for how much money companies spend on paper annually.

More alarming, though, is the fact that many companies aren’t keeping track of this spending at all. One report noted that 90% of businesses don’t track their printing costs. That inefficient or nonexistent reporting makes it challenging to maintain predictable spending and reduce costs.

MPS gives companies the insight and infrastructure to optimize their print resources, reduce waste, and implement efficient printing practices, all of which will positively impact your bottom line. With MPS, businesses can accurately forecast printing expenses, eliminate unnecessary spending on supplies and maintenance, and consolidate vendors to negotiate better pricing.

By streamlining print-related processes and leveraging economies of scale, MPS helps organizations achieve tangible cost reductions while maintaining budgetary control and transparency.

Enhance Productivity and Efficiency

Paper-based processes can clog your team’s time and lead to costly errors. An automated MPS approach can streamline cumbersome tasks like document retrieval, storage, and security, empowering your people to concentrate on more high-value tasks.

Through centralized management and proactive monitoring, MPS ensures that printing devices are always available and operating at peak performance. Automated supply replenishment and remote troubleshooting further streamline operations, allowing employees to focus on core tasks without disruptions.

By eliminating bottlenecks, simplifying document workflows, and providing user-friendly interfaces, MPS accelerates document processing, ultimately boosting productivity.

Further Sustainability

As we mentioned (and you can imagine), printing isn’t known for being a particularly green practice. Paper accounts for about 26% of landfill waste. Given the importance of sustainability and ESG initiatives, it’s critical companies adopt more eco-conscious printing habits.

MPS contributes to environmental sustainability by promoting responsible printing practices and reducing paper and energy consumption. MPS providers implement strategies such as duplex printing, print job routing, and default grayscale and double-sided printing settings to minimize waste and conserve resources.

Additionally, MPS encourages the adoption of digital document management solutions, which reduce reliance on paper-based processes and minimize carbon footprint.

Streamline IT Workload

Your IT department plays an essential role in keeping your company running smoothly. You want them to work on high-priority tasks, not endlessly fix printer-related error tickets.

MPS alleviates the burden on IT staff by assuming responsibility for print fleet management, maintenance, and support. By outsourcing print-related tasks to specialized MPS providers, IT teams can focus on strategic initiatives not troubleshooting printing issues or managing device inventories.

MPS providers handle routine maintenance, software updates, and technical support, freeing up IT resources and minimizing disruptions to business operations.

Improve Data Security

It’s estimated that companies lose about 7.5% of their paper documentation. If that paper contained sensitive patient information or proprietary business deals, you could open yourself up to significant losses, fines, and a damaged reputation.

MPS incorporates advanced security features to safeguard sensitive documents, protect against data breaches, and ensure regulatory compliance. MPS providers implement encryption, user authentication, and secure print-release solutions to prevent unauthorized access to confidential information and mitigate security risks.

By implementing comprehensive security protocols and auditing capabilities, MPS helps organizations maintain data integrity and confidentiality across their printing environment. Additionally, MPS facilitates compliance with industry regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, and SOX, providing peace of mind and reassurance to businesses handling sensitive data.

Integration With Existing IT Infrastructure

MPS integrates with existing IT infrastructure, including network systems, document management platforms, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. MPS providers collaborate with IT teams to customize solutions that align with organizational requirements and complement existing technologies.

Through APIs, connectors, and interoperability features, MPS solutions fit right in with enterprise applications and processes, enabling seamless data exchange and workflow automation.

How To Choose The Right MPS Partner

Managed print services can certainly add value to your business. Now, the question becomes, how do you choose the best MPS provider for your specific needs? Consider these key factors.

  • Experience: Select an MPS partner with a proven track record for providing these services for businesses in similar industries, sizes, and organizational complexity. Consider their expertise in print technology, industry certifications, and client references to gauge their capabilities and service level.
  • Support: Evaluate the level of support offered by potential MPS partners to ensure responsive and reliable assistance throughout the engagement. Seek a provider that offers comprehensive support services, including proactive monitoring, helpdesk offerings, and onsite technical assistance. Assess their service level agreements (SLAs), response times, and escalation procedures to ensure timely resolution of issues and minimal disruptions to your printing operations.
  • Suite of Services: Consider the range of services to ensure alignment with your organization's requirements and objectives. Look for a provider offering a comprehensive MPS solution suite, including device management, fleet optimization, document workflow automation, and security enhancement. Evaluate their capabilities in assessing your current print environment, developing customized strategies, and implementing solutions to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Additionally, consider value-added services such as print analytics, environmental sustainability initiatives, and user training to maximize the benefits of MPS adoption.

Implementing Managed Print Services with SymQuest

Implementing Managed Print Services (MPS) with SymQuest promises a seamless transition and ongoing support. During the transition period, you can expect a structured and collaborative approach tailored to your organization's needs.

SymQuest will thoroughly assess your existing print environment, identify optimization opportunities, and develop a customized MPS strategy. From device procurement and installation to software integration and user training, SymQuest provides a smooth transition, minimizing disruptions and maximizing efficiency.

Throughout the implementation process, dedicated experts from SymQuest will guide you every step of the way, providing proactive support and transparent communication to address any concerns and ensure a successful deployment.

Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect:


  • Assessment Phase:
    • Conduct a thorough assessment of your existing print environment.
    • Analyze printing costs, usage patterns, and inefficiencies.
    • Identify optimization opportunities.
    • Create a customized MPS strategy.
  • Solution Design:
    • Develop a tailored printing solution based on assessment findings.
    • Select appropriate hardware (printers, copiers, multifunction devices) and software (management tools, security features).
    • Integrate with existing IT infrastructure and workflows.
  • Implementation Planning:
    • Detailed project plan outlining timelines, milestones, and responsibilities.
    • Coordination with stakeholders, IT staff, and vendor representatives.
    • Consideration of change management strategies to minimize disruptions.
  • Hardware Deployment:
    • Installation of printers, copiers, and other devices according to the solution design.
    • Configuration of devices to meet security, user access, and printing policies.
    • Testing of hardware functionality and connectivity.
  • Software Integration:
    • Deployment of print management software for monitoring, tracking, and controlling print activities.
    • Integration with existing document management systems, authentication mechanisms, and user directories.
    • Configuration of print policies and rules to optimize usage and reduce costs.
  • User Training:
    • Training sessions for end-users on new printing procedures, software interfaces, and security measures.
    • Provision of user guides and support resources for reference.
    • Addressing common issues and troubleshooting techniques.
  • Monitoring and Optimization:
    • Ongoing monitoring of print infrastructure performance, usage patterns, and costs.
    • Analysis of data to identify areas for optimization and cost reduction.
    • Regular reviews with stakeholders to discuss performance metrics and make adjustments as needed.
  • Maintenance and Support:
    • Implementation of proactive maintenance schedules to ensure hardware reliability and performance.
    • Help desk support for troubleshooting technical issues and user concerns.
    • Regular updates and patches to address security vulnerabilities and improve functionality.
  • Continuous Improvement:
    • Periodic reviews and assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of the managed print services.
    • Identification of additional opportunities for optimization and efficiency gains.
    • Collaboration with vendors and partners to stay abreast of technological advancements and industry best practices.
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Save Your Company Time and Money with SymQuest’s Managed Print Services

Managed Print Services offer many benefits, from cost savings and productivity enhancements to environmental sustainability and improved security. SymQuest stands out as a trusted partner in the MPS landscape, with a wealth of experience, expertise, and a customer-centric approach.

By choosing SymQuest as your MPS provider, you can expect seamless implementation, proactive support, and ongoing optimization to maximize the value of your printing infrastructure.

Whether you're a small business seeking cost-effective print solutions or a large enterprise aiming to streamline workflows and enhance security, SymQuest can meet your needs and exceed your expectations.

By partnering with SymQuest for Managed Print Services, you can trust our expertise, dedication, and unwavering commitment to your printing success. Schedule an assessment to gain insights into your current print environment and discover how SymQuest can help you achieve your printing goals. The future of printing is with SymQuest.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How much do Managed Print Services cost?

The cost of Managed Print Services (MPS) varies depending on several factors, including the organization's size, the complexity of its printing infrastructure, the scope of services required, and the MPS provider. MPS pricing models typically involve a combination of fixed monthly fees and variable costs based on usage, such as per-page printing charges or tiered pricing for different service levels.

2. Can Managed Print Services be integrated with existing IT systems?
Yes, Managed Print Services can be integrated with existing IT systems, including network infrastructure, document management software, and ERP systems. MPS providers offer integration capabilities and expertise to ensure compatibility and interoperability with the organization's IT environment.
3. What is serverless printing?
Serverless printing, also known as direct IP printing, is a printing method that bypasses the need for a dedicated print server to manage print jobs. In serverless printing, print jobs are sent directly from the user's device, such as a computer or mobile device, to the printer over the network without intermediary servers.
4. What is cloud printing?
Cloud printing enables printing from any device to any printer via the Internet. It provides flexibility, scalability, and convenience, making it the ideal choice for today’s remote and mobile workforces.
5. What is a print environment assessment?

A print environment assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an organization's printing infrastructure, processes, and workflows conducted by Managed Print Services (MPS) providers or internal IT teams. The assessment aims to gather insights into how printing resources are utilized, identify inefficiencies, and uncover opportunities for improvement. Here's what is typically involved in a print environment assessment:

  • Current Print Infrastructure Evaluation
  • Print Volume Analysis
  • Cost Analysis
  • Workflow Assessment
  • User Needs and Preferences
  • Security Evaluation
  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Recommendations and Action Plan

Ready to put the costly and inefficient print days in the past?

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